Peri-Implantitis Treatment for Dental Implants
Dental implants offer numerous benefits to patients with missing teeth but what many patients do not know is that there is a risk of developing peri-implantitis. Even though it is not that common, this occurs when an infection develops around the base of the implant and the gum tissue becomes inflamed. Redness and swelling around the implant are one of the most easily recognized symptoms of this condition. Fortunately, it can be treated with the help of a skilled periodontist. Dr. Park and (retired) Dr. Lamb have been in practice for more than 16 years and offer dental implant placement services at their practice. They can also treat peri-implantitis with a targeted laser protocol. Dr. Park and (retired) Dr. Lamb are certified to offer the BIOLASE® WaterLase® REPaiR protocol to treat this condition, a minimally-invasive procedure that targets bacteria to stop the infection from spreading.
Symptoms of Peri-Implantitis
One of the most noticeable symptoms of this condition is inflamed gum tissue that does not decrease after cleaning and flossing. Deep pockets may start to develop around the dental implants, which indicates that there could be an infection developing around the base of the implant. Bone loss may occur, though many patients do not feel the effects until their dental implants or other teeth begin to shift, causing a misaligned bite.
Timely Treatment can Save Dental Implants
Without prompt, proper treatment, peri-implantitis can lead to bone loss and dental implant failure. Replacing dental implants after an infection can be costly and uncomfortable. When you undergo dental implant surgery for your new teeth, you are looking to make an investment that lasts a lifetime. Consequently, it is important to know about any conditions that can be prevented or treated. If Dr. Park detects a serious infection around existing dental implants, we may recommend laser peri-implantitis therapy as part of your treatment plan.