Tooth Extraction - Cumming, GA

Tooth Extractions From an Experienced Periodontist

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Experienced Tooth Extraction Procedures

Even though we do everything we can to preserve your natural teeth, there are some circumstances where a tooth extraction, or tooth removal procedure, is necessary. Dr. Park and (retired) Dr. Lamb have worked with a variety of unique cases and will always try to save a tooth before extracting it. However, adults with a painful tooth or patients with excessive tooth decay may need to have a tooth removed completely to prevent further damage to the smile. Dr. Park and (retired) Dr. Lamb use a simple and relatively painless technique to perform a tooth extraction.

Why You May Need a Tooth Extraction

One of the most common reasons why we would remove a tooth is because of excessive tooth decay. There is only so much we can do to save a tooth when it is decayed and early intervention is key. A crown or another restoration may protect the tooth, however, if they are not received in proper time, an extraction may be the only option. Decaying teeth can cause an infection in the mouth and also affect surrounding teeth.If a tooth has to be removed because it is too damaged or causing oral health issues, there is a risk of jaw bone loss in the area where the tooth is missing. This is why dental implants may be part of your treatment plan and Dr. Park and (retired) Dr. Lamb offer dental implant placement for patients that need it.
Other reasons for tooth extractions may include:


Tooth Extraction Cumming, GA

We may need to perform a tooth extraction when you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. If there is overcrowding or teeth that are partially damaged, we are able to remove them before you start your tooth restoration plan to make room for proper movement.

Impacted Teeth

Tooth Extraction Cumming, GA

Patients who still have baby teeth may also need to undergo a tooth extraction procedure. These teeth can become impacted if they were not removed during the teen years and can cause an infection or damage to surrounding teeth. We may also expose the tooth in order to bond an orthodontic attachment, to encourage the tooth to move into the correct position.

Oral Trauma

Tooth Extraction Cumming, GA

If you have been in an accident and there is trauma to the mouth, some teeth may be excessively damaged. We may need to remove those teeth to prevent further damage to your smile. Dental implants or other restoration procedures may be necessary to rebuild your smile.

Learn more about tooth extraction procedures or schedule your consultation with us today.

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